dasein said i have to slow down. to write it out how i want people to hear it, not say what im thinking. my twitter friend, not the ontological concept. whatever.
brazil-ification. im not sure brazil is the right word though. zimbabwe. or look at downtown aleppo before 2004 or whatever. things can change fast. i used to live in los angeles. u barely see cop cars until after a crime. u do see private security cars. look just like cops. work with the cops. work for the cops sometimes.
things are very weird now, for some people. there is a lot of noise to filter if u want to get anything fucking done. they just stopped countries for a year. not a single one of u ‘dont tread on me’ goon instagram faggots did a thing. now re-read the last paragraph.
i dont think this is politics anymore. i think we are at war with satan.
they arrested a guy and put the mike ma book front and center. thats a new one. they said he was going to shoot up a wall-mart.i did a podcast about that book. i wonder if ill be doxxed. ive been reverse doxxed, my online poastings and opinions revealed to those around me. a girl broke up with me. the guy had weird flags in his room. how many flags can the feds plant before its not the feds planting flags. its like a donut. i like donuts. i dont want anyone to shoot up a wall-mart.
your mom thinks u are a terrorist because u did not want to let the same people that run the DMV give you a vaccine that can change your dna. i dont know how to help.